Wednesday 21 May 2014


You're on plane in a strom. Everyone is nervous. The pilot is coming in to land. Lightning strikes the plane. Everybody screams. And then a giant shark jumps out of the ocean and bites tha plane in half.

Cult hit of the year

You didn't see that coming, did you? That's because you didn't know you were in a scence from 2009 classic Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus. True, it didn't win any Oscars but you have to respect a movie that combined two major phobias: flying and sharks.
In 2013's Sharknado, a tornado pulls hundreds of sharks out of the Pacific Ocean and carries them over Los Angleles so that it starts to rain Great Whites on the city. Again, it's double phobia: extreme weather and the danger of being eaten alive in your swimming pool. Stupid? Yes, but Sharknado was the cult hit of the year. Most movies go from cinema to TV, but it has travelled in the opposite direction. Originally a low-budget TV movie on the SyFy channel it's been playing a sold-out midnight projections in cinemas all over the USA. SyFy are now filming a sequel, having organised a Twitter contest to find a title. Fans suggested Sharknado o The Second One. It'll be out this summer, wich is fast for a sequel. But, just like a shark itself, the studio that makes these movies, The Asylum, is fast, predatory and remorseless. They will make a movie, and movie, it there is money in it. and, impressively, every one of their 77 fils, no matter how ridiculous or low-budget, has made a profit.

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